Nap Steering Committee

Vlad Mihaescu

Board member
Chair of the NAP Seering Committee

Vlad Mihaescu has a Ph.D. in educational and technological models of MOOCs and has more than 15 years of experience as a trainer and teacher in areas like multimedia technologies, social media, e-tourism, e-learning, usability, entrepreneurship, programming, soft skills, leadership, and project management. Author of over 35 scientific papers and book chapters published in international conferences and journals, Vlad is involved in several European research projects in the field of eLearning, digital culture, and digital entrepreneurship. He is also a lecturer for UPT. For over 10 years, Vlad has been part of the technical support team of the UPT Virtual Campus (Moodle). Since 2020, Vlad has served in the position of Chair of the Steering Committee of EDEN’s NAP (Network of Academics and Professionals) and a member of the Executive Board of EDEN, organizing several workshop, webinars, and participating as a speaker or moderator in EDEN events. Vlad was the Local Conference Manager for EDEN’s AC in 2020. Vlad is also the director of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer at UPT.

Orna Farrell

Deputy Chair of the NAP Steering Committee

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Francesca Amenduni

Francesa is a member of the SC of the EDEN Network of Academic and Professionals. She is Senior Researcher and Project Manager at SFIVET (Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training). She is a PhD candidate in Experimental Pedagogy with a research on semi-automated assessment of Critical Thinking in essays and open-ended answers (AES) carried out under the supervision of Professor A. Poce (Roma TRE University).

Igor Balaban

Igor Balaban is Associate Professor at FOI, Vice-dean for science, international cooperation and projects, and Head of Laboratory for advanced technologies in e-learning. He was actively involved in a dozen of European and national projects, and coordinated several of them. He authored and co-authored 50+ scientific and professional papers and cooperates with European Commissions’ Joint Research Centre as an external expert for DigCompOrg & DigCompEdu frameworks and SELFIE tool. He organized and conducted dozens of workshops, talked at more than 20 conferences, and was invited speaker at some of them. He is also a reviewer for several highly respected journals such as Computers & Education, International Journal of ePortfolio and International Journal of Information Systems. His main field of interest is technology supported learning with special focus on adaptivity and personalization in learning environments and digital transformation of educational organizations. He also has a traceable scientific record in assessing the successful implementation of information systems.

Inés Gil Jaurena

Board member

Inés Gil Jaurena is an EDEN Fellow and member of the Steering Committee of the EDEN Network of Academic and Professionals (EDEN NAP). She is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at the National Distance Education University (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia-UNED), Spain. She has been Editor-in-chief of Open Praxis, a scientific journal published by the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), in the period 2012-2022. She coordinates the CO-Lab teaching innovation group at UNED.

Mohammad Sameer Hasan