Socrates – Gruntvig Programme: European Cooperation Projects
The project builds on the notion of manifold existing segmentations in individual human lives and in society at large and in learning across age groups and generations, especially in the light of an increasingly aging population, of substantial demographic changes caused hereby and of the constant need for re-qualification and re-generation within the concept of Lifelong Learning (LLL). EAGLE therefore plans to concentrate on the field of inter-generational as well as later life learning processes within the frameworks of formal and of specific importance here non-formal, informal and autonomous learning. In a systematic and synthetic approach EAGLE wants to generate an inventory allowing desk and field research based in-depth insight into (a) the potential as well as the limitations of trans-, inter-generational and later life formal and informal learning; (b) the policies, concepts, analyses, frameworks, experiences in place and empirical evidence available and (c) the models of good practice developed; those good practice cases in order to generate policy and practice recommendations.